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Thursday 3 July 2014

QM: 7.4 Purchasing (7.4.1, 7.4.2 & 7.4.3)

The purchasing process is one of the most important processes from a manufacturer stand point. GMP requires that the materials used in production shall have defined requirements (specifications), testing methods and release criteria. In addition the final product shall be traceable back to the raw material used. For such critical material suppliers are qualified as per qualification procedure. Identification of raw material, intermediates and finished product through unique identification procedure ensures two way traceability.

In a manufacturing set up materials are purchased for all sorts of processes which are not used in product realization and may not influence the product quality directly or indirectly. Purchases of such materials do not require vendor qualification. Examples materials required for Research and Development work, plant maintenance and non critical engineering items, new projects etc. However basic requirements of clause such as purchasing information and verification of purchased product shall be complied and it is wise to have a list of reliable vendors who can supply the material in time meeting quality parameters. The clause can be defined in quality manual as follows.

7.4.1 Purchase Orders
7.4.2 Purchasing Information
7.4.3 Verification of Purchased Product

7.4 Purchasing

7.4.1 Purchasing Process

The company ensures that purchased products and services that impact the final quality of our products, conform to our requirements. We accomplish this objective by clearly identifying our requirements, working in partnership with our suppliers, and utilizing appropriate verification activities.

The purchasing processes are controlled through a documented procedure to ensure purchased product conforming to specified purchase requirements (cite procedure no.). The type and extent of control is dependent upon the effect on subsequent realization processes and their output, as well as consideration of other characteristics including: the type of product; the potential impact of the product on our processes, products, or services; the results of supplier evaluations and past performance; Government regulations and industry requirements.

The procedure may not apply for vendor of capital equipments, projects, research and development, non critical consumables or other non-inventory parts or services. However such purchases are controlled and follow the similar principle of defining purchasing information and verification of purchased product. In such cases the vendors may be selected based upon techno-commercial offer and verification of credentials of the vendor and his ability to provide the material in required quantity and timelines as defined in said Quality Plan.

For all the other purchases the suppliers are evaluated and selected based on their ability to supply product in accordance with requirements as outlined in the documented procedure (cite procedure no.). Criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation are documented in the procedure. Records of the evaluation and any necessary actions are maintained as quality records. A list of approved suppliers is prepared and updated. 

In an event of inability of supplier meeting the desired requirements following actions are initiated:

a. Corrective action letter to supplier.
b. Supplier site evaluation.
d. Recommendation for disapproval submitted to the Quality Assurance Department.

Purchasing Department is responsible to purchase product and services that conform to specified requirements from approved suppliers as defined in documented purchasing procedures. Specific requirements of each purchase are defined in purchase orders, which include the purchase specification, item revision, and other data, as required.

Purchased material is submitted to the Incoming Material Check to assure initial and continued conformance of material to stated requirements. Material is released if it complies with the laid down requirements.

7.4.2 Purchasing Information

Purchasing documents contain the appropriate data to clearly and fully describe materials, which are being purchased. The requirements of purchasing material are derived from information generated during developmental work and subsequent understanding of the material requirement. All these requirements form a part of specification which is reviewed periodically for their suitability and improvement. Any change in the requirements is evaluated and follow change control procedure before modification. When appropriate, this includes requirements for approval or qualification of product, procedures, processes, equipment, personnel, and Organizations QMS requirements.

Product Planning/Production department generates the requirements related to manufacturing process based on which the requirements for testing are defined by Quality Control department. The purchase request is made based on production planning, warehouse capabilities and testing requirements.

These requirements are thus generated in the form of purchase orders. These orders with appropriate purchase specification/design drawings are then forwarded to Purchase Department. Prior to the release, purchase orders are reviewed and approved against the description of goods, technical details, specifications, drawings, quality, quantity, price, delivery, etc. This information is communicated to the supplier on Purchase Orders.

Purchasing information including relevant documents and records are maintained in order to provide product traceability.

7.4.3 Verification of Purchased Product

The company has established and implemented inspection and other processes to ensure that purchased product meets specified purchase requirements. The nature and degree of inspection is dependent upon the criticality of the material and the inspection history.

For raw materials and packaging items inspection and testing activities are performed according to quality control procedure to ensure that purchased products meet specified requirements.

For other items and equipment which affect the quality, inspection and testing activities are performed according to internal or external purchase procedure.

Where verification of purchased product is intended at suppliers’ premises, verification includes comparing products with specified specifications via testing and inspection at supplier’s premises or supervision on testing process and examining results and measuring equipment accuracy. Such verification shall not supersede Company’s Quality System requirements.

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